Customer Data Integration

Using customer data to power ads is your #1 opportunity to gain an edge over your competition in 2024.

Ads + Customer Data = Predictable ROI

If you're running Google & Meta Ads, you've seen the cost and competition increase every year.

To combat this, we connect your customer data with Google & Meta Ads. This allows the ad platforms to find people more likely to buy your service, instead of relying on keywords and interests.

When you run ads, most often, the goal is to find more customers like the ones you already have, and integrating your customer data provides ad platforms the roadmap to do exactly that.

Benefits of Customer Data Integration

Optimize Google Ads for Purchases, Not Leads
  • Without customer data, you're limited to bidding on keywords and optimizing Google Ads for clicks and phone calls.
  • After customer data integration, we are able to optimize campaigns for estimates and sales, increasing lead quality and ROI.
Boosting Meta Ads ROI with Lookalike Audiences
  • Most service businesses use Meta to advertise to homeowners and small business owners in their market, sometimes adding interests that align with their service.
  • After customer data integration, you're able to advertise to prospects that are within 1% similarity to your previous customers.
The Most Accurate Results Tracking Possible
  • Without integrating marketing and customer data, you're unable to track ROI, leaving you estimating results and making under-informed decisions.
  • We unify your data, allowing you to match purchases with specific marketing campaigns. You're able to confidently increase your investment in what is working, and stop spending on ineffective ads, before you waste unnecessary dollars.

The Arrows Up platform connects with over 350 customer data products. Contact us to find out if your CRM and accounting system is on the list. If it's not, we can build a custom integration!

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  • Based on a decade of experience and millions of dollars in ad spend
  • Includes pricing, timelines, deliverables, and realistic expectations for results
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